Monday, June 30, 2008

It's Up to Us

It continues to strike me that the only way things are ever going to get better for us moms (work-life balance, paid maternity leave, affordable childcare, etc.), and for families in general, is if we take matters into our own hands. Rather than write a whole new post about this, I thought I'd point you to a very old one I wrote more than a year ago.

Go read this. And then while you're at it, you might as well read this. And then make sure you sign up for your email alerts from or the National Organization for Women, 9 to 5 or some other fabulous organization.

I know it's crazy to ask the busiest people on the planet to put "Change the World" on their never-ending to-do list. But someone's got to do it. And, as usual, it's going to have to be us.

1 comment:

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Thanks for the great links. Blogging is such a persuasive social change's a great way to help empower women (and vent about what makes us happy/crazy as parents.) I think to a great extent that personal responsibility is lacking in so many aspects of our society. Just think about how powerful our influence can be when we all get behind something!