Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You Gotta Love Michelle

Being back at work this week has reminded me why I like work and why I hate work all at the same time. I love being around smart, talented people and learning new things everyday. Oh, and that paycheck's kinda nice too. Yet I hate getting ready for work, battling traffic, work-related stress, battling traffic all over again to get home and then arriving home exhausted and spent and yet still having to jump right into my primary job of being mommy.

When it comes to the struggles of working moms, Michelle Obama says it best.

Watch CBS Videos Online

I love it when she says she's losing her mind trying to do it all. I know I certainly am.

Speaking of working moms, all of the major women's/moms organizations -- Momsrising, 9 to 5 Association of Working Women, National Partnership for Women and Families and the National
Organization For Women -- are gearing up for action. Congress is set to vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act this week in the House and next week in the Senate. Both are critical to ensuring equal pay for women and for making sure that those that suffer from pay discrimination can take action against their employer. Take a minute, click here to read more about it and click here to send your congressman a note to urge them to vote for these important bills.


Anonymous said...

If you want to email Congress and press them to pass the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act, as well as grab a cool wage gap calculator, visit

the mama bird diaries said...

She is going to make a kick ass first lady.